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BiCon 2004 Discussion Forums
Between about November 2003 and April 2004, there was a discussion board on the BiCon 2004 website.
It used the phpBB software. As that version had several security issues and we don't have the database for it anyway, some of the content is presented like this.
BiCon 2004 Forum Index
Forum Topics Posts Last Post News and Announcements
For important announcements. There shouldn't be many posts to this forum - perhaps 1 or 2 per month, if that. We recommend that you turn on email notificatons for this forum.1 1 Mon Jan 19, 2004 6:10 pm
Got a workshop you'd like to request or volunteer to run? Have an idea for a workshop and want feedback from people before you do it? Any other workshop related questions can be asked.21 73 Mon Feb 09, 2004 4:06 pm
If the Bicon2004 team need something then we might post here, appealing to your wisdom and/or generosity.1 1 Wed Nov 19, 2003 11:00 pm
For anything not otherwise covered in the public forums.11 31 Tue Feb 10, 2004 9:31 am
GrantStats are from 5th April, when the counters showed:
Our users have posted a total of 206 articles
We have 42 registered users
BiCon 2004 Forum Index -> News and Announcements
BiCon 2004 open to bookings - softfruit - Mon Jan 19, 2004 6:10 pm
The booking forms to register for this year's BiCon are now available to download.
Booking early is not essential but note the 7th August deadline if you wish to stay onsite rather than in nearby hotels etc.
Forums Closing Down - softfruit - Sun Apr 04, 2004 10:25 pm
We've deleted the workshop forum and are phasing this section of the website out, as we move on to the next phase of the run-up to the conference.
Nothing from that forum has been lost and Matt will be in touch with each of you who have offered sessions.
In the meantime please note the key email addresses:
For workshop / session enquiries and proposals, or other offers of help such as gophering and reception desk --
BiCon 2004 workshops email address deletedFor bookings and other queries --
BiCon 2004 bookings email address deleted
BiCon 2004 Forum Index -> Workshops
BiCon 2004 Forum Index -> Blagging
Performers, entertainers, etc - softfruit - Wed Nov 19, 2003 11:00 pm
As just about every year's bicon team does - a community request for anyone talented and willing to get in touch about performing!
(reply) - guest - Tue Mar 16, 2004 5:08 pm
I can sing and am happy to do some songs for you. Laughing
(reply) - Ruby Diamond - Tue Apr 13, 2004 8:41 pm
I am a professional (drag) entertainer, singing comedy songs. Also play electric guitar.
Willing to perform for free in exchange for accomodation.
dragartistruby.co.uk (dead link)
BiCon 2004 Forum Index -> General
Venue - davidmcn - Tue Dec 30, 2003 11:50 pm
Out of curiosity, is the venue the same as for BiCon 2000, or some other Mancunian academic outpost?
(reply) Mostly the same! - softfruit - Wed Dec 31, 2003 1:59 pm
It'll be mostly the same spaces as we used in 2000, with a few changes. In terms of getting there you'll be driving to the same car park or catching a bus to the same stop!
(reply) - tamsanger - Wed Jan 07, 2004 3:58 pm
I wasn't at the last BiCon in Manchester - which uni is this year's being held at??
(reply) - softfruit - Mon Jan 26, 2004 11:39 pm
Owens Park (which the rest of the year is full of people from The University of Manchester aka Owens, but about 4 miles from the city centre and main university buildings)
Bi Quiz - aegidian - Tue Dec 30, 2003 12:31 pm
I updated the quiz at
url deletedso that the results pointed here, but I don't have a simple BiCon 2004 graphic to replace the BiCon 2003 graphic on the front page.When will there be such a thing?
(The quiz was a wonderful idea from BiCon 2003 - people were asked various questions about their clothing, drinking and sexual preferences and it would respond with a 'type' plus, in every case, suggest they go to BiCon! You can see a PDF capture of the quiz here.)
Accommodation - Marcus - Wed Jan 14, 2004 11:57 am
I'm lead to believe that the accommodation will be in similar blocks to BiCon 2000. Can somebody confirm the number of rooms to a flat / presence of a lounge / number of bathrooms & toilets.
Thank you!
(reply) vital statistics - softfruit - Wed Jan 14, 2004 6:53 pm
8 bedrooms in each flat, yes they do have a lounge as well as a kitchen, I can't remember re toilets and showers but will incorporate checking that into the access site visit we're supposed to be having soon.
(reply) - Marcus - Wed Jan 21, 2004 11:28 am
Smashing, thank you! (Very happy image)
(reply) - softfruit - Mon Jan 26, 2004 11:26 pm
They are Not The Same Place as in 2000 but Practically The Same, for anyone who remembers / was at the 2000 BiCon.
There has been a bit of a refit as it was part of the accommodation colossus for the Commonwealth Games (but then, so was anywhere in Manchester with a roof!)
(reply) - davidmcn - Tue Mar 16, 2004 11:04 pm
I remember the BiCon 2000 flats as each having 2 toilets, 1 shower and 1 bath (and it might be worthwhile giving punters a brief explanation of the flats' layout - it took me a while to realise that the unidentified sliding door led to the stairs to the upper half of the flat, and even longer to discover the showerroom upstairs).
(reply) - Howard - Sat Mar 20, 2004 11:20 am
Hi, just wondering how long the rooms are booked for - I know at one previous bicon they were held for the whole week. Is this the case with Manchester Bicon2004? I'd like to know if I can stay a few extra days and what possible cost implication this might have.
(reply) - aster - Sun Apr 18, 2004 10:16 am
Can someone tell me if i could share a room with my partner? I can't see us wanting to sleep separately, so it seems pointless getting 2 rooms (not to mention too expensive!)
Are the beds big-ish? We can put up with singles. Question
International BiCon? - Marcus - Thu Jan 15, 2004 11:38 am
Newbie Lounge - Grant - Thu Jan 15, 2004 3:09 pm
With the community info zones last year, I was wondering about a "newbie lounge" combining the CIZs with all of the "x for beginners" workshops. People could go for an afternoon, read similar things, browse books or sit and read them and talk informally to SM-ers, poly folks etc. Other times, the info would be there but not necessarily the people although there could be Q & A boards that everyone could add questions to and the people looking after the zones could answer.
(reply) - mattp - Sat Jan 31, 2004 11:28 am
I like this idea - though to be a bit more clear about it I wouldn't want it to replace the beginner workshops, merely to supplement them. I believe there is a library of some sort - I remember there being one at Leicester. Maybe this was a booksale to raise money for the phoneline. Can anyone remember the details?
Health - Grant - Thu Jan 15, 2004 3:33 pm
Proof of no income? - aegidian - Mon Jan 19, 2004 1:17 pm
Editing posts - aegidian - Tue Jan 20, 2004 7:31 pm
Could you give permission to ordinary members of this forum to edit their own posts, please.
EDITED UPDATE: I see it's working now. Thank you. (Very Happy image)
(reply) - aster - Sun Apr 18, 2004 2:41 pm
How did you do that?
(reply) - aegidian - Sun Apr 18, 2004 3:26 pm
There's a button with a piece of paper and scissors and the label 'edit' up there in the RH corner of any post you make now. It only appears for your own posts when you're logged in.(reply) - aster - Thu May 06, 2004 9:54 pm
Thank you for that (Smile graphic)
BiCon 2003 Accounts online - Marcus - Wed Jan 21, 2004 11:17 am
BiCon 2003's final accounts are now available online at:
old URL deleted - will be replaced when BiCon 2003 site is here.I'm happy to field questions about them here or on the BiCon LJ.
Accessibility - barakta - Fri Jan 23, 2004 11:05 pm
I am planning to do an accessibility review of the Manchester venue to get as much information and understanding of things as I can. I plan to make detailed measurements of doorways, rooms and basic room layouts and make this information available on the website.
I am mainly looking at the venue from a mobility view as this is the issue which will be most important to consider with the venue. I realise mobility issue doesn't just cover wheelchair/scooter accessibility, it also (perhaps more importantly) covers access for attendees who may have limited stamina, be on crutches, have difficulty with heavy doors etc etc.
If anyone has suggestions which they think I should cover please make them here or by email to my email address. I shall keep any information provided to me confidential and not identify you in any public forum.
Also if anyone has any specific questions about the venue that I can measure for when I am there, let me know and I will add that to my list of things to do.
If you have any questions, comments, or thoughts about accessibility issues and this BiCon please feel free to contact me and I shall get back to you.
My email address is
(reply) - barakta - Sat Jan 24, 2004 2:00 am
I've been through the BiCon Special Needs DataBank which is being hosted by Jennifer on material.demon.co.uk/BSNG/ (dead link). It is currently still in a pretty rough state but contains a lot of useful data which I have picked through.
Just thought I'd mention it so people could go look.
Natalya - procrastinating from revision :)
Calm space - Grant - Tue Feb 10, 2004 9:31 am
I'd like there to be a quiet, comfortable space open at BiCon at all times. This would be a place where people could be away from the sometimes emotionally turbulent and socially energetic environment of BiCon. It would be a place to talk without being chatted up. It would be a place to sit without talking to anyone. It would perhaps be a place to find one of the support / counselling team. Tissues, tea and biccies should be provided, perhaps fluffy toys.
(reply) - aster - Sun Apr 18, 2004 10:19 am
Sounds like a good idea
Shopping for bisexuality - Grant - Mon Feb 16, 2004 9:37 am
Will there be T-shirts for sale this year?
I'd prefer fair trade organic cotton with a reasonably environmentally sound bleaching process (if used).
(reply) - snagglepat - Mon Feb 23, 2004 3:54 pm
We have been planning to have t-shirts for sale in some form. We're not sure yet on the supplier yet - they may be organised in a way that allows you to buy your own online - but I'll bear your comments in mind. The supplier we've used before doesn't mantion any of these things in their general literature but they seem to be very flexible in other ways, so it might be a possibility.
Watch this space - we will keep you posted.
(reply) - Guest - Sun Apr 18, 2004 2:34 pm
I agree with Grant - fairtrade, organic, unbleached or environmentally friendly inks used would be excellent.
You may want to check out the companies Gossipium, Hug and People Tree all of whom have an internet presence and deal with this type of thing. If you want more info, i'll try to give it.
Photography for BiCon publicity - Grant - Fri Mar 05, 2004 1:34 pm
Something that many new folks have said about BiCon is that they didn't get enough information beforehand to know what to expect. While there are some good pieces of writing that could help in the future, I think some pictures would help give a feel for the event too. Obviously they would need the informed consent of everyone involved.
Perhaps some images that give an idea of people chatting in the bar, sitting in small groups having workshop discussions, bopping away at a disco, all dressed up in evening finery (and just as important, choosing to wear something plain and comfy), having a non-sexual massage in a room with favourite fluffy toys around, playing silly card games, munching a picnic on the grass, snogging, reading BCN etc.
(reply) - softfruit - Sun Mar 28, 2004 2:35 pm
Excellent thought. Sounds like a couple of sides of A4 or so, with photos from those willing needed (looks around waiting for eager volunteers to jump).
Could also be to some degree stitched together from various past BCN pieces where BCN has run "what to expect from bicon" articles, like the one that got reprinted in the 2000 programme booklet.
Will throw it into the mix among the team, but offers of photos etc from people would help. I do have a few suitable things from the archives of course.
(reply) - aster - Sun Apr 18, 2004 10:23 am
I don't mind (in principle) being in photos.
I'd like to consent individually to each one i was in before it going out though (not just cos of bad hair days, honest!)
just catching up today... - ajva - Fri Mar 05, 2004 4:21 pm
...on this forum.
Reading through the posts already here, I just wanted to say one thing. The most irritating thing when you're organising a BiCon (as I helped to do last year, as ents person), is being lambasted with what you perceive as unjust criticism, or huge demands that people expect to be fulfilled as if BiCon were a corporate entity with bottomless pockets.
I would urge everyone to remember that this year's committee is not only populated by amateurs giving up their spare time for the love of it, but is also doing its best to make BiCon 2004 the bestest ever, as I'm sure it will be. While useful suggestions will be no doubt welcomed, it is a good idea to avoid trivial complaints, since this will only dishearten the committee.
I want to offer my thanks to this year's wonderful committee - I've already booked my time off work for August and am looking forward to the whole thing enormously!
Well done guys! (Laughing image)
(reply) - Grant - Mon Mar 08, 2004 10:13 am
Hear! hear!
I'm posting ideas for BiCon to see if others are interested, if BiCon 2004 wants to use them and if so, who'd like to make them happen. I certainly don't want to be read as placing demands or expectations on the BiCon team.
I've sent off my booking form and am looking forward to BiCon.
(reply) - Guest - Sun Apr 18, 2004 2:37 pm
:thumbs up:
(reply) - aster - Sun Apr 18, 2004 2:40 pm
That was supposed to be from me
Socials - megbarker - Tue Mar 16, 2004 11:57 am
Myself and Kay (I think) were discussing having a pub quiz in the early part of one evening (around 6ish perhaps before a disco or ents or whatever). I've come up with some entertaining rounds and I think Marcus said he wouldn't mind asking the questions. Can we fit this in? Shall I go ahead and get it prepared?
(reply) - Marcus - Tue Mar 16, 2004 11:59 am
megbarker wrote:
I think Marcus said he wouldn't mind asking the questions
I'd be delighted to, if you need me!
BiCon 2003 Plenary Minutes - Marcus - Tue Mar 16, 2004 1:23 pm
With my apologies for the delay, the minutes of the BiCon 2003 Decision Making Plenary can be found at:
dead link removed.(reply) - Grant - Thu Mar 18, 2004 12:02 pm
Thanks Marcus. I wonder if this an appropriate forum for discussing the Cultural Difference workshop strand as suggested by Jennifer Moore?
Paying for BiCon - Marcus - Wed Mar 24, 2004 9:45 am
Previous topics - where are they - hijiki - Wed Apr 21, 2004 10:13 pm
I wrote something here last year in a few places, and now coming back it is all gone!
Have the old topics been deleted?
I was looking at the workshops and there is not much there, including for the massage workshop I was interested in running.
Session guideline - Guest - Thu Apr 22, 2004 10:12 am
I see you posted the proposed sessions on the website, and for some of them you want people to volunteer. As a suggestion, how about having a peice about running sessions, some ideas for formats, and what to expect and maybe some quotes from people who have run them in the past. Did Jennifer write something about this a while back, if so I wonder if she would give permission to replicate it on the sight.
from coach station to Owens Park - Tom - Tue Jul 20, 2004 8:43 pm
(Remaining posts not on archive.org - as it looks like the forum had been removed from the main site menu by this point, it's only by using a saved link that this and the following couple were posted...)
Love comes at first sight, or it comes with time? - UkrainianLady - Mon Aug 09, 2004 10:27 pm
(Another reason for getting rid of the forum was that there wasn't any automated spam protection, and this was a spam post caught by archive.org taking a snapshot of the site in between it being posted and it being deleted. Although it's the only such one in the list, there's evidence to suggest about a hundred spam posts were made in the few months the board was open.)
One Week To Go! - Marcus - Thu Aug 19, 2004 9:27 am