There are now three ways to register for BiCon 2004.
You can now register online using PayPal as a payment system. This is proving a very popular option as you don't have to find things like stamps.
If you want to print out and send us a form it is available as an "rtf" document RTF file missing from that you can read in programs like Microsoft Word.
If you have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer, you can download a booking form here, write a cheque payable to "bicon" to go with it, and send it in. By the way, if you don't have Acrobat Reader, it can be downloaded from Adobe's web site here. There are also accessibility tools to make Acrobat documents easier to read.
You can also get the form online as a web page though this isn't quite as pretty!
Alternatively, you can get a registration form the old-fashioned way by writing to us at BM BiCon, London, WC1N 3XXw