We're delighted to already have some session proposals in (with over 150 days to go!). We already have people to run the following:
- BDSM Aftercare: different ways of doing it, looking at the issues surround it, thinking about potential problems and solutions, and such, with people sharing their own good and bad stories of aftercare and their best tips. I think it's an important part of BDSM that gets very little attention; I've been to quite a few workshops on how to safely knock people around, but never to one about how to put them back together again afterwards.
- Bi-visibility and Bi-Activism in Political Parties and Trade Unions: Are you a member of a political party or trade uinon? Are you out in the party/union? Is there bi-visibility and/or an acceptance of bisexuality there? If not do you think there should be? If there is how can we use this for campagning etc (the activism part).
- Biology for bisexuals: ...
- Care in our community: Mental health in the Bi Community; Risks and boundaries; Vulnerability; Self esteem; Post BiCon comedown.
- Coming out: ...
- Communicating about sex: ...
- DIY SM: covering everything from cheap toys to making big SM equipment yourself.
- Drag Kings, Drag Queens: ...
- Juggling: Juggling and circus skills
- Just A Minute: Based upon the BBC Radio 4 programme of the same name
- Massage: ...
- Pub Quiz: ...
- Self defence: ...
- Self Harm: It would be for self-harmers and partners/friends/family of those who self harm. The workshop would be an exploration of the issues surrounding self harm, including (but not exclusively) first aid, support etc. (it's not a forum to 'glorify' self harm.)
- Sex in spectra, grids, balances, venn diagrams...: a workshop on different models of sexual and gender identity. It'd be partly informative (I'd bring along info on the Kinsey scale, the Klein grid, and as many other scales, "tests" and historical models I can find) and partly fun and creative - people could be let loose with big pens to hack out a representation of their own sexual/gender identity.
- Up, down, sideways: Drugs: uppers, downers and anything else
Increasing knowledege, awareness and understanding
These are the workshops for which we've had requests, but not yet had a volunteer to run.
- Better sex for guys with guys: sexual assertivness, sexual neogaiting, sex tips
- Bi Students: ...
- Bondage: ...
- Christianity and bisexuality: ...
- Cover Bis: A photography session for images which may be used as cover pictures or general illustrations in Bi Community News, and / or in any bi-related publicity such as future bicon fliers.
- Domestic abuse: ...
- Fun and games: Lighthearted entertainment. Some outdoor games, some indoor games. Usually requiring a small amount of excercise or physical movment. (Not a lot though - Ed)
- Gender theory: ...
- Learning to strip: ...
- Practial Polyamory: ...
- Shamanism: everything you wanted to know about shamanism but were too afraid to ask
- Women and Men: men to talk about men's things with women (and vice versa).
- Alternative relationship set-ups - Meg Barker and Ani Ritchie
- TV programmes, pop songs and Hollywood films are constantly bombarding us with images of the perfect relationship and rules about how to do love. As bisexuals we may already be questioning one of those rules (that relationships should be between a man and a woman). This workshop explores other alternative ways of running relationships. We start by considering what the taken-for-granted cultural rules are and then think about ways we might challenge these. Specifically we focus on 'polyamory' as one alternative to traditional relationships and the ways in which poly people might manage their multiple relationships differently. This workshop is appropriate for both those new to poly and those who have been poly for some time.
- Androgyny - Nat
- "Androgyny can be defined as being intermediate between the two traditional genders in appearence or identity. Whether you're androgynous through chance or choice, or wish to discuss the concept with people who are, this is the session for you. Practical tips for androgynous living available on demand."
- Are your genitals getting in the way of intimacy - Oliver and Joyce
- Have you come to BiCon looking for sex, when what you're really hungry for is more intimacy in your life? And what is intimacy anyway? Here's a chance to talk about sex, about intimacy, and how they relate (or don't) and also to do a few hands on exercise by way of demonstration.
- BDSM Aftercare - Erich
- different ways of doing it, looking at the issues surround it, thinking about potential problems and solutions, and such, with people sharing their own good and bad stories of aftercare and their best tips. I think it's an important part of BDSM that gets very little attention; I've been to quite a few workshops on how to safely knock people around, but never to one about how to put them back together again afterwards.
- Bi-visibility and Bi-Activism in Political Parties and Trade Unions - David B.
- Are you a member of a political party or trade uinon? Are you out in the party/union? Is there bi-visibility and/or an acceptance of bisexuality there? If not do you think there should be? If there is how can we use this for campagning etc (the activism part).
- Bisexuals in London - what next? - Geoff
- Body painting - Rick
- A chance to be decorated in time for the beach ball party. Paints and brushes can be supplied.
- Christianity and bisexuality - Diana
- A discussion on the acceptance and inclusion of biseuxals in the bible and into Christianity in general.
- Coming out - Steve L.
- We were all new to bisexuality once, and some of us may still be. In a non-judgemental space we discuss various sexual preferences and how we related to others both at BiCon and in the world outside.
- Commitment in relationships - Lisa
- There have been Bicon sessions in the past about commitment ceremonies, this one will be about living the "Happy ever after" bit. How do you keep your relationship thriving year after year? I was married and living with my husband for over ten years. I am now living in a committed relationship (the ceremony was in 1998) we got together at Bicon 9 years ago. Everyone knows that all relationships require work to keep them going well. Doing the work isn't always as easy as just saying that you want to do it. Lets share the problems and discuss some of the solutions. This Workshop is open and is relevant to monogomous and polyamourous people in same sex or opposite sex relationships. Participants don't have to have had a commitment ceremony to attend but it is aimed at people who regard their own relationship as ongoing and who are interested in keeping it that way (even if they're not sure the other person is)
- Cover Bis - Ange
- A photography session for images which may be used as cover pictures or general illustrations in Bi Community News, and / or in any bi-related publicity such as future bicon fliers.
- DIY SM - Simon and Meg
- covering everything from cheap toys to making big SM equipment yourself.
- Do we recruit? - Katy H
- So... do we? Are you bi-curious, or do you shudder when you hear the term? Would you want to be (or have you been) someone's first same-sex experience, or opposite-sex experience? Have you ever found yourself preaching the virtues (and vices) of bisexuality? Bring along your opinions, your anecdotes and a large pinch of salt, and we'll discuss whether this particular stereotype is true, false, or just fun to play with.
- Erotic Writing - Trish
- Ever fancied trying erotic creative writing? In this practical workshop you'll be given tools and suggestions to start you off, or you can work on your own if you choose. Bring a pen and a book or similar to lean on.
- Ethical Sluttery - David M.
- Are you a slut? Do you enjoy sex for sex's sake, regardless of whether it's someone you're in a committed relationship with or someone you just met at a party (or at BiCon)? If so, you're not alone, and this workshop is for you - a chance to discuss the issues surrounding being an ethical, safe, well-adjusted slut. (The title notwithstanding, this session won't be strongly based around the book, although it will have themes in common.)
- First Timers (and followup session) - Kay Dekker
- BiCon can be a scary place for new comers, particularly as everyone seems to know one another, and also because there are a lot of new terms and it can feel like people are speaking a foreign language. . In this session you will have a chance to meet some of the other new people and have some of the more common terms briefly explained.
- Fun and Games - Simon
- This will be a series of games, lasting 3 days. The participants will be split into two teams and take part in a variety of challenges ranging from physical through mental, and also some more traditional party games. The wining team will be given a prize on the final day.
- Juggling - Mike
- A chance to try juggling. Some balls are provided but it's good if you have your own, (see below). Comfortable, loose-fit clothing. Silly hats optional but encouraged. People interested in coming to the juggling workshop really need to bring scarves or balls with them if at all possible. It makes teaching a lot easier, and you'll also get more out of it. If you're experienced and want to bring clubs or diablos feel free. No fire though please. (Torching BiCon will not win us friends!)
- Massage - David F.
- A massage is a great way to relax tired muscles and to connect with people in a physical but non-sexual way. It may help with a hangover but we are not promising anything! Oils will be provided. Please bring a towel and a blanket to lie on.
- Negotiation - Alex
- This workshop is about negotiating an SM scene. Some people can be very brief. "You top, me bottom. Let's play". Most people spend more time, in my experience. Time getting to know one another and finding out what they are in the mood for tonight. The workshop will address "elements of a negotiation", "finding out what you like" and "how to conduct a negotiation". This workshop is for people with and without experience in negotiating an SM scene. (30 people maximum)
- Painless Sensation Play - Emma
- A discussion workshop designed to inspire people to try new ways of enjoying sensation in a not necessarily sexual situation. This is aimed at those who want to experiment more with being affectionate with friends and lovers but are somewhat intimidated by the "advanced" kinky workshops often seen at BiCon. We'll try to come up with some ideas of various things we can use to touch people, e.g. water, feathers, silk and places we can touch them from the obvious to the non-obvious. We'll be focussing on the pain-free aspects of sensation play whilst also mentioning possible ways to spice up a special occasion with blindfolds and gentle restraints.
- Polyamory for beginners - Ali
- Polyamory has many definitions, but the one that seems most popular and accurate is "the ability to love more than one person, in open, honest relationships". The workshop will offer an introduction to what polyamory is and is not, and an opportunity for the participants to discuss their experiences and concerns.
- Self Harm - Cat
- An exploration of what self harm is and why people do it, as well as looking at sources of support and how to look after yourself. The workshop is open to both self-harmers and those who don't self harm. This is not a forum to 'glorify' self harm, nor is it a 'soul baring' type of session but some people may find it triggering/upsetting
- Sex communication - Meg Barker, Trish Oak and Ani Ritchie
- This workshop is based on a piece Meg wrote for BCN (complete article in the March 2004 edition). The aim of the workshop is to help participants to figure out what they want sexually and to express this to other people. We will use a combination of individual or group exercises in order to do this exploring why it is hard to talk about sex, the language we need to use, what kinds of things we might like and how to express it.
- Sex in spectra, grids, balances, venn diagrams... - Esther
- This session looks at some different diagrams, metaphors and schemes for understanding sexuality over the last 200 years - the Kinsey scale, the Klein grid, butch/femme 'scores', the sexologist's definitions, recent feminist and queer definitions. Seeing these wildly different systems of classification can help us understand how we identify ourselves and others. After a short intro, you can 'rate' yourself on the Klein and Kinsey systems, fill in a quiz from Kate Bornstein's _My Gender Workbook_, design your own venn diagram, chart, or graph to describe your identity or history. Many coloured pens provided.
- Sex law - Ian
- Are you now at risk of a long term 'inside' or has your favourite sexual activity just been formally legalised? The sex laws in England, Wales and Northern Ireland were changed in May this year - do you know if what you're doing is legal?
- Sex work: take the money or pay the price? - Ian
- There are people here who've done it, people who are doing it, and people who are thinking about it. A chance to talk about the pros (sorry!) and cons, how to get into - and out of - the work, and what might happen in-between.
- Shamanism - Malcolm
- A glimpse into what shamanism is all about - some discussion, an opportunity to experience a simple journey, and some hints on where you can go next if you want to do more. No previous experience required
- Sign language - Natalya and Howard
- Speed dating - Oliver
- What's your favourite vegetable? Yes, be prepared for some possibly weird questions, and come armed with a few of your own, as you'll only have 3 minutes to get to know the person in front of you. Speed dating is a fun way to meet, greet, and maybe more...
- The Bi Book Project - Matthew V.
- IN 2001 work was started on a book on bisexuality which was to be an anthology of articles for bi people, their friends, family and partners. This is to look at the progress whihc has been made and to decide how to continue.
- The domain name - David M.
- The domain is now active, after a couple of years having been effectively defunct. Come along to discuss how it should be used, or to offer help in administering it.
- The history of bisexual visibility - Kay Dekker
- As Sellar and Yeatman wrote in 1066 and All That, history "is what you can remember." Queer history is a relatively recent discipline, but no less important for that. Who are we? what did we do, and when? what was important, and to whom? where are the resources, the memorabilia and the keepsakes, and who is keeping the memories alive? History and visibility reflect pride in ourselves and our communities, and, as the UK bi community moves towards its quarter-century, it's time to celebrate and document. Bring your memories and your new ideas - there may be a book in it!
- Up, down, sideways - Tim
- Everything you wanted to know about drugs but were too "Chemicaly enhanced" to ask. Free "party bag" for all atendees!
Offers and suggestions and requests for further workshops, panels and activities welcome. Please email or the forms linked to at the beginning of this line
Later version:
Here is a list of the sessions which have been confirmed:
A preliminary timetable is also available. Note that this is highly likely to change as the event unfolds
Generated automatically. Last update at 2004-9-1 14:12:0