Latest News from the 2004 team
30 August
BiCon closed with 273 delegates having booked. This makes it the largest BiCon ever. Congratulations and thanks to all.
21 August
"It's This Week" emailing with answers to common question responses from the "10 days to go" mailing.
18 August
Resource buying expedition for the art exhibition / auction project - which is going well with over 40 items submitted, remember if you wish to submit something now you are better advised to bring it with you to BiCon than to post it in to us.
17 August
34 workshops confirmed and on the newly unveiled draft timetable, more are on their way and subject to making sure which days the session leaders will be attending before they are scheduled.
16 August
"10 days to go" emailing to all pre-registered BiCon attendees. As ever, if you didn't get it and should have done, let us know. Do make sure your email inbox isn't full though - that's the most common reason for it bouncing back to us.
15 August
Advance bookings close - over 230 people registered in advance this year! It's keeping the team rather busy so be aware it may take us time to respond to your emails.
7 August
Postal mailing to everyone registered in advance with directions and advice on getting to the venue, information about Line Bi Line, the DIY Disco, and the BiCon attendees survey from the Biblio bi academics group. If you registered in advance and have not had this mailing get in touch.
29 July
First timer's mailing sent out to all who have registered in advance for their first BiCon, with the BCN guide to bisexuality in the UK and some notes about what to expect from a BiCon.
20 July
Bookings have reached 140 - so there'll be people to talk to then!
11 July
Getting to BiCon information added.We've now got 24 workshops confirmed and most of the evening programme is in place too.
19 June
Outreach stall at Leicester Pride by day; team site visit by night.
12 June
Art exhibition project launched.
21 May
Frequently Asked Questions and Helping Hand Fund information added to the website.
20 May
Another new banner, and the links page is now back on the navigation bar (oops!)
7 May
Site visit for the new venue. We are moving most of the conference for accessibility reasons. It will still be in South Manchester, so if you have already made travel plans - don't panic!
5 May 2004
Our first Flash banner artwork submitted.
24 April 2004
BiCon update to the Spring Bi Activist Conference in Birmingham.
20 April 2004
Promotional banners and artwork now online.
17 April 2004
Sessions list updated, with over 15 offers.
16 April 2004
Core Team site visit - focus on access issues
- problems identified which may mean we have relocate to more accessible venue.
13 March 2004
Outreach visit to NUS Lesbian & Bi Women's one-day conference.
15 January 2004
Booking form now online.
13 January 2004
Flyering explosion begins with the Bisexual Underground.
9 - 11 January 2004
BiCon update to the Winter Bi Activist's Conference generates many good new ideas and proposals for workshops and weekend structure.
13 December 2003
Website revamped: redesigned with accessibility in mind.
2 November 2003
Several workshops in place
- first poster artwork prepared, test prints this week.
30 August 2003
Initial website goes online.
25 August 2003
12 months to go - first bookings placed and flyering a-go-go at London
BiCon, advert in programme
27 July 2003
First creative team meeting - led to postcard / teeshirt design #1.
20 July 2003
Following negotiations,
venue and dates agreed ready for unveiling at London BiCon in August.
BiCon 2002
The Manchester Bid wins BiCon 2004
July 2002
Opening venue negotiations for 2004 conference with Manchester venue look promising.